Connection. Disconnection.
What do these words mean to you? I want you to close your eyes…. think of a time you felt connected/disconnected.
Who was there? What were you doing? How did you feel? What was happening around you?
Now we want you to think of:
What has been important in your life? What do you remember? What feelings have been prominent?
Lastly, think about these things:
How are you connected/disconnected from fibre/textile production?
How do you think others are connected/disconnected from fibre/textile production?
How does this affect our culture? Our values? Our environment? Our traditions?
Do you feel you are connected/disconnected to your own stories, histories and culture through fibre? How so?
How do you feel fibre manifests in identity and body politics? How does that relate to your identity and gender expression?
How does fibre connect to Feminism? Racism? Activism? Social Justice?
How does fibre connect or disconnect communities, families, friends, neighbours?
How are you connected/disconnected from the environment and nature?
These are the questions we spent months thinking about and discussing. We invite you to spend some time thinking about these questions and your own answers and perspectives to them.
If you would like, write down your ideas, document your thoughts, maybe make a poem.
Then please send us your thoughts and writings.
Over the next nine months we will be collecting thoughts, ideas, stories, and recollections from the community on these ideas. We will be putting them together in a digital quilt that represents these themes and ideas. We will have this digital quilt as an accompanying element to our in-person installation and it will be an ongoing engagement and open conversation.